St Monica's School

Old Girls' Association






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St. Monica’s Old Girls’ Association

Reunion Lunch and AGM


You are cordially invited to join us on 

WEDNESDAY19th October 2022 at 12 noon

in the Courtyard Restaurant, The Wallace Collection, 

Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN

for Bucks Fizz, 2 course lunch followed by tea or coffee 

at a cost of £40 per head.

AGM at 3.00pm


Travelling companions and 

Old Girl friends who are not SMOGA members welcome.


Booking forms with seasonal menu choices and AGM agenda will be sent to you early in September for return with your cheque by

Wednesday 28thSeptember 2022.


For further information contact:

Lynne Zwink (Committee Member)

via the Webmaster ( if you would like to receive more details.


The 2019 reunion is planned for Saturday, October 19th.  The venue will be the National Gallery, London.  Further details will be announced later.  Save the date, tell your friends and arrange to meet up.


The 2018 Reunion and AGM will be held on Saturday 14th October at The Bishops' School, Chelmsford.  This is open to all Old Girls.  There will be more details to follow but do put the date in your diary.  If you have not been before drop a note to the webmaster who will make sure that any questions are answered.


We now have details of the 80th Birthday Celebration and here below is the invitation that has been sent to all members of SMOGA.  If you have not yet received your invitation or if you are interested and would like to come please contact the Webmaster and your e mail will be sent on to Lynne Swink (organiser) and Jane Hughes (SMOGA Secretary).


Amazing as it may sound, our Association turns 80 this year and to celebrate, whilst not wishing to remind everyone that we are all “getting on”, we are inviting you to Afternoon Tea at what was The Great Eastern Hotel at London's Liverpool Street Station at 3.00pm on Saturday 15th October 2016.


Now known as The Andaz London Liverpool Street, the Great Eastern is still there in all its former glory and how delighted we were to discover it is as it seems quite the best London location for our birthday celebration as many of us remember catching trains to and from Liverpool Street at the start and end of the school term.


We also hope that by locating the 80th Birthday Tea in London it will enable some of our members, who find it difficult to get to Chelmsford for our biennial reunions, to be able to join us this time.   It also occurred to us that some of you might take the opportunity of  being in London to make a day or even a night of it with your old school chums – perhaps arranging with friends to meet up for lunch or shopping before the tea; or possibly supper or the theatre afterwards?   The opportunities I'm sure are endless!    You are, as always, very welcome to bring guests provided they are also Old Girls or former members of staff.


The tea will be a Traditional Afternoon Tea, the sort you would expect at The Ritz with a savoury, a selection of sandwiches, scones and pastries, but with a smaller price tag of £40 per person.   We shall be taking tea in the 1901 room, which has one of London's original stained glass domed ceilings and was the ballroom of the Great Eastern Hotel.


We need to have an early response to know in good time that we will meet the minimum number required of 40 people attending.


If you would like to come and I do hope you will join us please get in touch with ,  Lynne Zwink (nee Simpole 1968) on behalf of the SMOGA Committee through the Webmaster


If you still need to become a member of SMOGA then please get in touch with Jane Hughes through the Webmaster.


AGM and Reunion Lunch 10th October 2015


Saturday 10th October was the day we all met at The Bishops School, Chelmsford for the SMOGA reunion of 2015.    There were 38 old girls and we received apologies and good wishes from 48 others.   As usual we gathered for Bucks Fizz and exchange of news and then made our way into the hall for a very nice buffet lunch supplied by Mike Smail.  There was lots of chatter and it was lovely to welcome some new faces this year.


During the AGM we  confirmed the members of the committee and a vote of thanks went to Anthea who retired.  News of Miss Ellis and Miss Richards, two past members of staff were read out.  All the archive material is now kept at the Chelmsford County Archive office and can be viewed there with an appointment.  Thanks went to Pam and her husband for administering the website which has kept us in touch with past members of the school and helped to gain new members to the association.


There was talk of meeting in London to celebrate the school's 80th birthday, which falls in October of 2016 and some of the members agreed to look into this and report on progress. It is  a popular suggestion and a good chance to meet in London for a change and which may be an easier journey for some people.  More news later!


There are now 163 members of the association, slightly less than 2 years ago.  The 2016 newsletter will be sent out in the early summer of that year and we are most grateful to all those that agree to receive it by email.  Thanks were also given to the committee and especially those who had helped with various tasks since the last reunion.


The meeting ended with the school prayer and a very rousing rendition of the school hymn.  Grateful thanks to Lydia for playing the piano for us.


STOP PRESS  The 80th Birthday celebration tea will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 15th October 2016.  Please see News for more details.


2013 St Monica's Old Girls' Reunion


32 Old Girls attended the 2013 St Monica's Old Girls' Association reunion held at The Bishops' School on Saturday 19th October.   We had also received 55 apologies so we are still keeping in touch.   As always it was lovely to see old friends and reminisce about our days in Clacton.  The meal was wonderful once again and the committee members were all re-elected at the AGM. 


Some members of the committee:  Chris Andrews, Mary Greene, Jane Hughes and Sue Young.


It was nice to welcome some new faces and lots of us put in an order for the DVD which is available for £5.  It is of 1960s activities at the school and was collaboration between Joy Sang and Eleanor McRae whose fathers luckily had a movie camera!   The meeting ended with the school prayer and the usual rousing rendition of the school hymn.


We welcome new members and returning members and the 2014 newsletter is being prepared for distribution in this Autumn.  The next reunion will be held at The Bishops' School in Chelmsford once again and takes place on Saturday 17th October 2015.  Do come and join us.  


You can get in touch via e mail to


The AGM and reunion was held on Saturday 19th October 2013.


With the kind permission of the Head Teacher, Greg Waters, it was  held again at The Bishop’s School, Beardsley Road, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 6ZQ.   


The day's programme was similar to previous years.  

  • Arrival from 12.00 Noon

  • Lunch (two courses, wine and coffee) at 1.00pm

  • AGM at 3.00pm

  • Tea following the meeting at 4.00pm. 




Almighty God, in Whom we live and move and have our being, make this school as a field which the Lord has blessed:  that whatsoever things are true, pure, lovely, and of good report, may here forever flourish and abound.  Preserve in it an unblemished name, enlarge it with a wider usefulness, and exalt it in the love and reverence of all its members, as an instrument of Thy glory.  Amen.





Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us

O’er the world’s tempestuous sea;

Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,

For we have no help but Thee;

Yet possessing every blessing,

If our God our Father be.


Saviour, breathe forgiveness o’er us,

All our weakness Thou dost know,

Thou didst tread this earth before us,

Thou didst feel its keenest woe.

Lone and dreary, faint and weary,

Through the desert Thou dist go.


Spirit of our God, descending,

Fill our hearts with heavenly joy.

Love with every passion blending,

Pleasure that can never cloy.

Thus provided, pardon’d, guided,

Nothing can our peace destroy.



AGM and reunion


Saturday 17th October was sunny and bright as we made our various ways to The Bishops School, Chelmsford for the SMOGA reunion of 2009.    There were 50 old girls and former members of staff attending and we received apologies from 41 others.   A good time was had by all and the staff and parents at the school looked after us very well and we offer them our heartfelt thanks for their hospitality.


There were lots of smiling faces and the chattering got louder during the meal - didn't it always?   As we entered the dining room someone remarked "Oh Goodie, will it be mince and gypsy tart?"    It was in fact a very nice buffet followed by chocolate gateau and fruit salad!     Lots to catch up on and it was lovely to see some new faces this time.   The committee was delighted to welcome everyone, especially those who had travelled all the way from Europe and the States.


During the AGM we ratified the amended constitution and voted Lynne Zwink and Anthea D'Ancey as two new  committee members.  Thanks for her past services to the committee were sent to Helena Perowne, who is in New Zealand at present and therefore unable to attend.  We also ratified the post of President.   Mrs. Payton is delighted to have been invited to take up those duties and was very upset that she was too ill to be able to be present on the day but sent her very best wishes.


There was lively discussion regarding plans for the 2011 reunion as we shall be celebrating our 75th birthday.  Lots of different suggestions to make it a bit more special were offered to the committee and it was generally agreed to try and bring mementos of our time at St. Monica's to share with other attendees.


The meeting ended with the school prayer and a very rousing and excellent rendition of the school hymn.  Grateful thanks to Lydia Taylor for playing the piano for us.


  1                          2                         3

Click on the images to enlarge


1 and 2 Members enjoy the AGM

3 The Committee - Daphne Phillips, Julia Dimon, Sue Young (Barlow-Wheeler), Jane Hughes (Swaffer), Chris Andrews.



Report on the last reunion lunch and AGM in October by the newly elected Chairman, Sue Young (Barlow-Wheeler)


65 members attended the last reunion lunch and following AGM on Saturday 13th October 2007 at The Bishops' School in Chelmsford.  The Headmistress in association with the PTA organised a buffet lunch and tea following the AGM.  It was a happy occasion with excellent food and company and plenty of opportunity to catch up with old school friends and reminisce about the good old days.  It is surprising what we happily "put up with" compared with the youngsters of today.  Oh dear, that's showing my age!


I was delighted and honoured to be elected Chairman of the organisation though I have to admit that it was not much of an election as nobody else would stand.    I think I detected a faint sigh of relief that it was me and none of the others but I cannot believe this is going to be an onerous or unpleasant task and I look forward to the year ahead.


The other members of committee are:


Treasurer:  Mrs Mary Greene  (Chown)

Secretary: Mrs Ingrid Jane Hughes  (Swaffer)


Miss Christine Andrews

Miss Daphne Phillips

Miss Julia Dimon

Mrs Helena Smith


The newly appointed Webmaster is Pam Priscott (Saunders) - do please send her your news, comments and photographs.  She can be contacted at


I hope we shall be able to help should you be trying to trace an Old Girl.   Please send in any information you may have and we will try and keep up to date with things and don't forget that members also receive the school magazine as well.


The reunions are held every 2 years in Chelmsford as near to the School Birthday (October 19th) as possible and I hope we shall have an even better turn out next time.


My best wishes to you all,


Sue Young  (Barlow-Wheeler)

Celebratory Lunch

The lunch held at the County Hotel, Chelmsford in October 2006 to celebrate 70 years since St Monica's was founded was a great success with about fifty 'old girls' attending.  There was a good range of ages represented including three original members of the new school – all looking very well – maybe helped by the bracing Clacton air!  They were Eileen Golding, Ruth Goodey and Noreen Cooper who all left St Monica's in 1940 or 1941, and this was the first school reunion they had attended.  Hopefully they, and others who seldom or never attend, will come along to other reunions. Everyone enjoyed meeting up with old friends and colleagues and thank you to Catherine and Jane who organized the event. 

St Monica's Old Girls' Association

The result of the ballot held in July 2006 to determine whether the Association should continue was as follows:

Continue with the Association    53
Disband the Association            32
Abstentions                                    4

The Association will therefore continue.