St Monica's School

Old Girls' Association






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Jane Bloxsome



Jane was in Anderson House and loved her time at SMS, leaving in 1963 to attend Eastbourne College of Food and Fashion - commonly known as Rannie’s, a sort of finishing school where she learned to cook brilliantly, amongst many other things.


She married John Pearl, a farmer in Essex and as a very competent and fearless horsewoman set up a cross-country riding course on the farm. She also enjoyed hunting and was often to be seen leading the field over the hedges! Living in Essex she kept in touch with old school friends and was a member of SMOGA.


Sadly John died so Jane sold the farm and moved to Fyfield in Essex, later meeting Simon who was from the West Country. Although It was soon after that Jane became ill, they did marry during Covid lockdown.


Despite the many set backs she experienced I never once saw Jane without a smile on her face.


Thank you to Brenda Walker (Frost) who having attended the funeral, kindly wrote this for our website and if anyone else would like to send in their memories of Jane, please get in touch.


Pam Priscott



St. Monica’s Old Girls’ Association

Reunion Lunch and AGM


Nearly thirty members met up on 19th October at The Wallace Collection for our reunion and AGM.  

Sue will be writing her report in due course but I wanted to acknowledge all the hard work that went in to organising the event.  The committee all played their part with various skills and talents - what a good school they must have attended!  Lynne Zwink was a gem at finding the venue and then rounding up enough of us to make the event viable.  It was sad that some of our friends were unable to be there for various reasons, but contact was made and e mails flew back and forth.

We had a delicious lunch, Lynne had her spreadsheet so could remind everyone of their choices and a few glasses of wine were also enjoyed.  

Joy Sang is assiduous in keeping the newsletter going, and took the minutes on the 19th.  Joy is always keen to receive more items for the newsletter.  Ele has a beady eye on the finances, and Sue excused us from singing this year after she conducted the AGM at a stage whisper, so we didn't frighten the other diners.

Great day out and much enjoyed.




The latest SMOGA newsletter, which contains much about the time the school was temporarily moved to Chagford, is now available.  

Members should have received the newsletter by e mail, or hard copy if that is what they have arranged.  Anyone who has not received a copy and would like to do so can get in touch via the webmaster who will pass the request on.



Miss June Ellis


We are sorry to have to tell you of the death of Miss June Ellis recently.


For more details see News Staff


2019 Reunion and AGM


Saturday 19th October saw over forty members of SMOGA gather at the Dining Rooms in the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, to enjoy lunch together and attend the AGM of the Association.  The event had been well organised by Lynne Zwink and we had a reserved area at the end of the restaurant overlooking Trafalgar Square.  We even managed to sing the School Hymn at the end of the afternoon after the close of the meeting.  Those people who were not able to join us due to ill health were sadly missed, but remembered.

There were enquiries about the whereabouts of various old girls, and the possibility of having contact details.   These cannot be passed on directly, but if Sue Young, the Chair of SMOGA, is able to help she will get in touch with the person concerned and ask if they are happy to be contacted.  Please do contact the webmaster who will pass on enquiries.  

And don’t forget that it is never to late to join SMOGA, just £5 for two year’s membership.


Sue Young writes:  I attach a picture of myself (Sue Young was Barlow-Wheeler) meeting up with Pauline Thompson (was Kellow) on 10th October 2018 at Toronto Airport.   Graham and I were returning home after a wonderful holiday meeting up with old college friends from 1968 and I was delighted to top that with a meeting with Pauline from 1962.  It was great to see her again and of course all the old memories or our happy days at Clacton were remembered fondly.   It was also gratifying that we recognised each other!


The Annual General Meeting of SMOGA was held on Saturday 14th October 2017 at The Bishops' School in Chelmsford.  There were 25 Old Girls in attendance and there had been apologies and good wishes sent from 49 others.  There were also two guests, Mrs, now Chief, Fola Solanke and her daughter Busola.   Mrs Solanke taught Maths and Latin for a year and was remembered by many present.

Following a very pleasant lunch Sue Young welcomed everyone and was sorry to report the very sudden death of Mary Greene in July.   Mary had been our treasurer for many years and was a great supporter of SMOGA and the most marvellous book keeper and fount of knowledge of school happenings.  We were fortunate to have Joy Sang to step in and receive all the replies and subscriptions for this meeting.

The membership had gone up to 157 but there were several subscriptions outstanding so the number is likely to go down and will probably do so each year.  Copies of the Constitution were passed around and it was agreed to put a copy on the website.   The Committee is doing the best it can to uphold the object of the Association which is to enable Old Girls to keep in touch with each other and to maintain the ideals of the school.  The newsletter went out the previous year and will be doing so again in 2018 and there is also the website should people wish to contact us.   Pam Priscott is our webmaster and can be contacted on     There was news from Miss Ellis and Janet Gotch was welcomed by all.   It was Janet who was Chairman of SMOGA for many years when Miss Shand was President and did so much to keep the association going.  Mrs Solanke gave a short talk about her life after St Monica's and generously donated two of her books to us.  Everyone who had helped with arrangements for the meeting were thanked and the Treasurer's Report followed.

There was no formal report but the bank balances were given.  There was discussion regarding a sum of money given to the Association by Miss Shand but which should be paid to her nominated charity when the Association folded.  It was agreed that this should be done when the Committee felt it appropriate.  The Bishop Wilson portrait is on permanent loan to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and may be viewed by appointment.

The Committee was elected en bloc making Sue Young Chairman, Jane Hughes Secretary and Ele McRae Treasurer.  The other members are Joy Sang, Jane Fenn, Chris Andrews, Julia Dimon and Lynne Zwink.  Joy Sang will be editor and co-ordinator of the 2018 newsletter.

The next reunion will take place on Saturday 19th October 2019 and the venue is yet to be announced.  The Committee is working hard to try and find a suitable venue in London but finding somewhere convenient and affordable is not easy.

The meeting ending with the School Prayer and a rousing rendition of the school hymn.


Here is a photograph we have come across, although not easy to reproduce from a photocopy, does anyone have any idea of which year’s Speech Day this might be.



And following the Reunion at The Bishop’s School last Saturday, 14th October 2017, where nearly 30 of us enjoyed lunch together followed by the AGM,   I thought it might be interesting to post this Newsletter from 2003 when there was doubt about the future of SMOGA. (Names have been removed)



Newsletter 2003


At the 2003 AGM the Chairman retired and was thanked very much on our behalf for her sterling work during more than two decades as SMOGA Chairman.  We have relied on her for so long that it was not surprising there were no nominations for her successor, nor is it surprising that we seem now to have a crisis regarding our future.


It was suggested that SMOGA should be wound up soon.


Of course our Association must have a finite lifespan but after a lively discussion and a straw-poll vote (25 for, 15 against 1 abstention) we are continuing at least until the 2005 Reunion when it is hoped many of us will attend with ideas and comments on the future of the OGA and decisions can be made.


There was an offer made to become Chair after September 2004 with another offer to cover the position until then.


Extracts from the retiring Chairman’s Report from AGM of October 2003


The Chairman commented that of the 233 members 70 had sent apologies and more than 40 were present.  Miss Jeacock, now 90, and Miss Hill, particularly wished to be remembered to everyone.  The Bishop’s portrait still hangs in the McCurdy Room at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.  The third recipient of the Bishop H A Wilson Memorial Bursary, Gbolaha Ladipo, had used the bursary to fund his final years at Felsted and having made a massive contribution to the school was moving on to read Law at Cardiff.  The next recipient, Stuart Bradley, is a lower sixth student, who is also keen on rugby and music.  The Chairman concluded by thanking everyone, including the Committee and her husband, for their support and Mrs Sumpton, Headteacher of The Bishop’s School, and her staff and the PTA for their warm welcome.


So – do we continue with SMOGA?? and if so – in what form??  Should be finish ‘on a high’ maybe with a Reunion dinner, continue until we fade away when the AGM is not cost-effective to hold?  Keep a Reunion, but simpler, maybe at a different location?  It is up to all of us who care sufficiently to make our opinions heard.  Please contact friends and see if as many of us as possible can meet to decide our future on Saturday 15th October 2005.  Any ideas or comments, including those who may wish to be incorporated on the web site on in the AGM notice, can be sent via the website e mail address.  This website has all sorts of potential for SMOGA – hope you have enjoyed the initial foray – comments via the website or at the AGM will be welcome.


Following the AGM last weekend, 14th October 2017, it was thought that Members might be interested to read the Constitution of SMOGA.




CONSTITUTION (revised 2009)




The object of the Association, which shall be called St Monica’s Old Girls’ Association, is to enable Old Girls to keep in touch with each other and to maintain the ideals of the School.




The Association shall consist of: 

(a)     A President.

(b)     Vice-Presidents as shall from time to time be elected by the Association.

(c)     Members who were either pupils or members of staff of St Monica’s School.

(d)     Members may be either Life Members or Annual Members.  Life Membership is only available to those members who took up such membership prior to 1981.

(ii) Privileges of Membership:

(a)     To attend meetings of the Association.

(b)     To vote.

(c)     To receive notices of the Association.

(d)     To receive the Newsletter.



(i) Executive Committee:


There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and at least three elected members of the Association.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

(a)     The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer hold office for six years but do not retire in the same year.  They are eligible for re-election.

(b)     Committee members are appointed for six years.  One-third of their number retire in rotation every two years and are eligible for re-election.

(c)     Names for the Executive Committee, duly proposed and seconded, and having the consent of the Nominee, must be sent to the Honorary Secretary by such date as she shall specify.  The election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.

(ii) Powers of Committee

(a)     Power to call meetings of the Association.

(b)     Power to transact business for the Association between meetings.

(c)     Power to co-opt Members.

(d)     Financial decisions, including investment of Association funds, and rates of subscriptions.

(e)     Four members of the Committee shall form a quorum, of whom two shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer or the President.  In the event of equal voting on any matter, absentee members of the Committee shall be consulted.

(f)      Minutes shall be kept of all Committee meetings and circulated for approval.

(g)     There shall be a biennial newsletter.

(iii) Annual General Meeting

(a)     An Annual General Meeting, which shall have powers to manage the affairs and transact the business of the Association shall be held every two years.

(b)     An Agenda of the Meeting, which shall include any proposals to alter the Constitution and other matters on which a full vote is necessary, shall be circulated a minimum of 21 days before the date of the meeting, to give those unable to be present the opportunity to record a postal vote.

(c)     Minutes shall be kept and included in the Newsletter.




(i)     The financial period shall run for a period of twenty four months from 1st May.  The Honorary Treasurer shall prepare Accounts, which, after audit, shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.


(ii)     Subscriptions:

(a)      These shall be payable at rates determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.

(b)     The biennial subscription is due on 1st May preceding the Annual General Meeting.

(c)     Members failing to pay their subscriptions are, after a reminder from the Honorary Treasurer, considered to have left the Association.


(iii)     Travelling expenses of Committee members, other than those connected with a Reunion, may be paid from Association Funds.


(iv)     The Bank Account stands in the name of St Monica’s Old Girls’ Association at Lloyds Bank, Clacton-on-Sea branch.  Withdrawals by cheque and transfers between accounts, must carry the signatures of two of the following officials of the Association: - Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Chairman, President.


Mary Greene


It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the sad and untimely death of Mary Greene our loyal and dedicated Treasurer for many years.  Tribute will be paid to Mary at the AGM in Chelmsford on 14th October.


The invitation to the Reunion and AGM to be held on Saturday 14th October at The Bishops' School, Chelmsford has now been sent out.  Lunch will be at 1.00 pm with the AGM at 3.00 pm.  The inclusive cost of lunch (2 courses, wine and cheese) and tea and biscuits after the AGM is £25.  This is open to all Old Girls.  Please write to the webmaster if you have not yet had details and would like a booking form.


In January the website received an e mail which was interesting.  It was from Chief Folake Solanke (nee Odulate).

"I am a Nigerian lawyer - a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, i.e. a QC.  My first career was teaching in England and Nigeria.  In the school year 1957-58 I taught Latin and Mathematics at St Monica's as a resident teacher.  I used my maiden name- Odulate.

I am reviewing my autobiography "Reaching for the Stars".  Thus, I need the name of the current headmistress and the address of the school, so I can send a copy of the book to her.  I have included a reference to the school in the book.

Miss Margaret Shand was headmistress when I taught at the school last century!"

I sent the e mail on to Sue Young to see if it rang any bells, and it did... Sue remembered being taught Latin by Mrs Solanke for one year, and that she was a beautiful and kind lady.  Sue has written to Mrs Solanke and told her the more recent history of the school.

I was having supper then a couple of weeks ago with Zigi Davenport (Angela Swan) and I was relating this tale to her.  Zigi also remembered being taught Maths by Mrs Solanke and said she had been so  elegant and beautifully dressed and a breath of fresh air for the girls.

I have duly reported back to Mrs Solanke, and asked her if she might write a piece for the website which she has agreed to.  She was thrilled to know of at least two girls who remembered her.

If any members have memories like Sue and Zigi do let me know, particularly if you would be happy to have them put on the website.  Please write to the Webmaster



Web site change


Please note a new section called "Obituaries".  In future notices of deaths, funeral arrangements and obituaries will be placed under the general heading Obituaries.  Please feel free to write to the Webmaster with any memories of people mentioned if you are happy for these to be published on the website. 


Click Obituaries to access.


Did you know? -  that any Old Girl who would like to have her e mail details forwarded to someone she has lost touch with, can do this via the secure e mail address,  provided of course that the SMOGA Committee have a forwarding address or e mail address. E mail addresses, postal addresses or any other type of personal information will of course not be posted on the website.  If you would like your e mail address to be filed with the SMOGA Committee, please send the information to the secure e mail address below.


Anyone who is reading the website who is not a member of SMOGA might like to consider joining – do contact Jane Hughes via the email address above.  You will then be able to receive a copy of the latest Newsletter sent out by Julia Dimon.


Daphne Williams (Beckett)


On August 27th an obituary appeared in the Times.  The subject was Major General Denis Beckett CB DSO OBE.  In the obituary there is reference to St Monica’s and in particular to his sister Daphne as follows: 


After several years of living alone, Beckett met an American, Nancy Hitt, on holiday in Spain.  They married in 1978 and lived in Vero Beach, Florida.  She survives him along with his son, Robert, and his younger sister Daphne.


In wartime Britain, the Beckett family treasured the few occasions on which they able to see Denis.  On one of the Daphne was delighted when, as a young lieutenant in uniform, he visited her at the boarding school at St Monica’s in Clacton-on-Sea and took her out to lunch.


Having bought her some boiled sweets, he smuggled them into her dormitory only to be caught red-handed.  As it turned out, the future hero of Monte Cassino, a soldier who would face the Germans with such courage on Castle Hill, was no match for the school matron.”


Can anyone help to locate Daphne Williams nee Beckett?


Born in 1928 she married John C. Williams in 1965 and was a pupil in Clacton until 1940 (we think) and did not go to Chagford.  The Matron at that time was Matron Robinson who was somewhat severe and would have stood no nonsense!  Daphne is now 88 and we would love to contact her. Please help.  If anyone knows Daphne nowadays please contact the webmaster who will pass on details to the Committee.




Nicky Bovey has sent us a collection of photographs.  See these on our Gallery


80th Birthday Celebration


Afternoon Tea in the 1901 Room

Andaz Liverpool Street London EC2M 7QN

formerly the Great Eastern Hotel

3-5pm Saturday 15th October 2016


Have you booked?


Our 80th Birthday Tea is definitely going ahead with over 45 63 74 at least 80 bookings received. Old girls from Europe and the Americas will be flying into London to attend so don’t miss this chance of catching up with friends from long ago!


Tickets are £40 each and to book your place please get in touch with Lynne Zwink (nee Simpole 1968) on behalf of the SMOGA Committee through the Webmaster


Full information and booking forms have been emailed or posted to all paid up members of the Old Girls' Association.


Details of this occasion are now under Events


If anyone has not received this information and would like to have the details please contact the webmaster, (, who will forward your e mail to Lynne Zwink who is organising the event.


If you are not already a member and would like to join SMOGA then please contact Jane Hughes, via the webmaster.  It is just £5 for two years and is a lovely way to keep in touch.


We have heard from Jackie Hodges (nee Cook) that:


There was a mini-Wilson re-union in the west country last year.
It comprised Rosamund 'Gozzy' Payne (nee Godfrey), Penny Woods (nee Boning), Mary (now Diana) Milbank and Jackie Hodges (nee Cook).


Five members of Anderson House met up in London in September 2014 for lunch.  They had left SMS in 2014 and four of them have met up quite often in recent years.  But it was a long time since any of them had seen Gill Teicke (Williams) - 47 or 48 years - and this came about through one of those strange coincidences when Pam found herself attending Pilates classes in France during the winter with a friend of Gill's who was able to put them in touch.  Gill flew over to the UK from Germany just for the day so the others really appreciated the effort she had made and a very lively lunch ensued.

left to right:  Pepita Ramsdale (Shaw), Jane Fenn (Thomason,) Gill Teicke (Williams), Pam Priscott (Saunders), Sue Bilmes (Garner).


We have recently heard from Michael ffinch Mitchell asking for news of his sisters

I am writing as my two sisters Deirdre and Valerie ffinch Mitchell attended St Monica's School in the fifties and I wonder if anybody remembers them.  Sadly Deirdre died over twenty years ago but Valerie is living in London aged 80 .

If any members have memories they can pass on please get in touch with the Webmaster who will make sure that they are passed on to Michael.  Webmaster's email is

We have had a request for information from Linda Worthington in Australia:

"I am seeking information about my late mother Alma Ann Worthington (nee EMSLIE) who was known by her middle name of Ann. 


Mum was born in 1935 and would have attended St Monica’s in the late 1940’s.  She emigrated to Australia with her family in about 1952 where she later married my father Brian Worthington and had 4 daughters.  Sadly, Mum passed away in 2008.


Mum had quite a few photographs of her time at St Monica’s. She was an excellent tennis player and some of the photos show her competing in tennis matches at the school.  Her father Richard Emslie was a pharmacist in Frinton-on-Sea.


I would love to know if there are any records available of Mum’s time at the school, or perhaps whether any former students from that time may have any memories or even photographs of Mum."


If anyone is able to help Linda please write to the webmaster:  who will pass anything on to Linda.


Mary McClean would like to contact Sonia Horsfall, Margaret Furneaux and Helen Brown.  If anyone is in touch with any of them please drop an e mail to and we can let Mary know.



The Reunion and AGM on Saturday 19th October were very enjoyable .  A report on the day from Sue Young will follow but mention was made, during lunch, of the names of a few old friends with whom contact has been lost: 

Angie Johnson (Slessor)
Pat McGill (Slessor)
Rosemary Couchman (Anderson)
Sue Swindells (Anderson)
Gill Williams (Anderson)
Denise Scilly (Wilson)
Anne Woodley (Cavell) 
Jenny Crawford (Slessor)

If you are one of them, or if you have contact details for them, please get in touch with the webmaster

Rachel Frances Smith


We have recently heard from  Mary Louise Spence Hartman who lives in North Carolina, USA.  Her mother, Rachel Frances Smith was at St Monica's approximately 1937/38.  She became a physiotherapist before marrying an officer in the US Army Air Corps stationed at High Wycombe who was Mary Louise's father.


Rachel Smith's father was the Revd John Phillip Smith who was rector of Cold Norton and Fambridge churches.  Rachel lived to be 88 and Mary Louise and her sisters are eager to know of any history or stories from the early years before WWII.


If anyone remembers Rachel please contact the webmaster who will pass the information on to Mary Louise.


Would you like to advertise a holiday home?  We can put short details here for you, with a suggested donation of £5 going to the SMOGA funds.  If you need the treasurer’s address please let the webmaster know when you send in your details.  Please keep them brief as in the example below.          

Chalet to rent in the French Alps, in February and also the summer.


For more details look at – Pam Priscott